Book Review - Socialcide

Title: Socialcide: How America Is Loving Itself to Death
By: Leo J. Battenhausen
Review Date: November 22, 2014
A CBM Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0

Socialcide: How America Is Loving Itself to Death by Leo J. Battenhausen is a fascinating book that presents America’s plight from a nation once under God to a godless society.  The author states, “My conscience kept bringing me back to the need to present the plague of problems that we face in America today as a growing absence of God and goodness in our culture.”  His focus is multi-faceted and from a socialistic, psychosomatic and spiritual perspective; the author also describes the younger generation known as the “Millennial” born from 1980 to 2000 to be an increasingly narcisstic society, lacking in family values/morals that has led to a huge “nosedive” as the author states, in society as a whole – but as you will see the lack of God’s values, parenting and social skills has complicated this matter.  In hopes of diagnosing the problem and giving an understanding of the spiritual side of the physical realm we live in on earth, the author has given an antidote: return to the God of the Bible, values and kindness before we as a nation, are utterly destroyed from the inside out. 

Unequivocally, America has become a selfish and greedy county, self-absorbed and is trying to push God out of the consciences of the souls of America to Satan’s delight.  Addressing moral and spiritual dilemmas of our nation, the author first focuses on the family crises that exist in our nation.  The author briefly states how life was in 1978, compared to how life is today with all the technology and the loss of social interaction and parental guidance.  This is one of those books that opens eyes and brings insight from an author with a clinical background as a psychologist, offering hope that in “knowledge” America will wake-up to the fact to spirituality and understand the difference between good and evil; leading others to a knowledge of God that are for mankind’s own good. 

Within this, the author has stepped out of the realm of his profession to write something “out of the box” not based on clinical data, studies and theory; rather, Battenhousen has connected the dots (so to speak) to understanding the human condition and restoring families back to God.  Filled with impactful quotes, the author states his case throughout that never before has America witnessed such a moral decline and prevalence of evil, lust, greed and self-indulgence.  His hopes are that many will understand the plight of America’s woes and turn back to God, in hopes of restoring core family beliefs and values within a Christian foundation

For more information visit the author at Author Leo J.Battenhausen. Socialcide: How America Is Loving Itself to Death is available at Amazon.